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At Ace Design Solutions, we strive to turn your dream home into reality. Client is our first priority and we make sure Client’s needs remain our main focus throughout the building process. Our office can provide you with Drafting Services, Building Surveyors, Town Planning Consultants, Land Surveyors, Structural, Civil, Geotechnical Engineers & Energy raters. We offer quality & affordable services for primarily residential projects including renovations, new homes, dual occupancies, multi-unit developments and also commercial projects including offices & medical centres.

We can meet with you face to face, listen to your needs and then prepare a design that caters your requirement.

Our reasonable fees, fast process & quality service is guaranteed to give you peace of mind and take the guesswork out of the building process.

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Our process

1. Initial Meetings and Brief:

We meet with you to get an idea of your expectations in regards to the development. We request for Property address from you beforehand. We do the property research prior to meeting so that during the initial meeting we can give you feedback on the Site Potential. We show you similar or relevant projects. We investigate local planning requirements and advise you on its possible impact on the development. We also discuss your budget and financial aspect of the development. This gives us an opportunity to ensure that proposal meets your requirements and fit your budget. We discuss our fees and give you rough estimate of other Consultant’s fees. You also receive our scope of work and approximate time frame so that you can plan ahead.

2. Concept Design and Town Planning Documentation:

Once we are clear about your requirements and your liking, we do a conceptual sketch to put your ideas on paper. We then meet with you and fine tune the design, develop ideas and refine the details. We work on the Conceptual sketch until we zero in on the final design. Following that, we discuss the factors that affect the costs and also the scope of building works. We then guide you through planning process as well as review all the planning requirements, providing information to the authorities and making applications on your behalf if necessary. We review the design for compliance with the building regulations.

3. Building Documentation:

Once the design has been signed off and endorsed by Council, we commence with Building Permit Documentation. We forward the drawings to Engineers and Energy Raters to get their quotes and subsequently designs and reports which form part of package that goes to Building Surveyor for issuance of Building Permit. These plans are also used for Building Construction pricing as they will have all technical data specification and sizes on the drawings. The Drawings are lodged with Building surveyor for issue of Building Permit. In most cases, we are requested to get prices from different builders for comparison. We provide builder with drawings and request for a competitive price from builders but apart from that, we don’t actually run the tender process. You are requested to visit builder’s past projects prior to builder’s appointment. Final decision in appointment of Builder is yours.

4. Construction

We leave it in building Surveyor’s safe hand to inspect the Building process. We have no direct involvement in construction process and we don’t undertake contact administration of the job once it is on site.


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